
In Sagaing, moves towards envisioning a federal future for Myanmar

The region, in the country’s Bamar heartland, has already begun looking at how it can reshape itself to fit into a new model of governance

As resistance forces make headway in their struggle against Myanmar’s military, efforts are underway to establish a policy and political framework for regional governance in Sagaing Region, one of the strongholds of the anti-coup movement. The aim is to create a system of checks and balances among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches at the regional level.

On November 17, the Committee Representing the Sagaing Hluttaw and its counterparts in Magway and Tanintharyi regions announced that they had passed bills to initiate preparations for the drafting of interim constitutions for their respective regions. The National League for Democracy (NLD), the party ousted from power by the 2021 coup, welcomed this move by its members, who make up the majority of those serving in these committees, seeing it as a crucial step towards the formation of a federal union aligned with the people’s will and the exercise of. . .

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