At least 500 civilians from three villages remain trapped in Bago Region’s Htantabin Township, while thousands more have been displaced amid heavy shelling and airstrikes conducted by regime forces, volunteers said.
Many residents of the villages of Kin Mun Chon, Doe Tan, and Hnit Tant Ku are unable to leave their homes as evacuation efforts have been hindered by roadblocks, a volunteer from Taungoo District told Myanmar Now on Friday.
“We can’t reach those villages unless we gain access to Za Yat Gyi,” the volunteer said. “There are no alternative routes available. Currently, we are waiting in the nearest village for permission to enter Za Yat Gyi.”
Fierce fighting erupted in Htantabin Township on Wednesday when the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and allied resistance forces launched simultaneous. . .