Myanmar’s junta sentenced 50-year-old filmmaker Shin Daewe to life in prison on Wednesday in Yangon, convicting her of violating the country’s Counterterrorism Law after she was arrested in possession of a drone typically used for camerawork.
Shin Daewe was tried in a closed military tribunal in the notorious Insein Prison after being detained with the drone three months ago in North Okkalapa Township, which is under martial law. The junta claimed she had supported “terrorist” activities, according to Myint Thu, one of her family members. A life sentence is the maximum punishment prescribed for the crime, and, since she was tried in a tribunal, she was not allowed to have a defence lawyer.
The internationally acclaimed documentary producer and director has been in junta custody since October 15, and was said to have endured a week of torture in an interrogation centre after being. . .