
Telecoms blackouts aggravate Myanmar civilians’ suffering in horrific war

In parts of Myanmar impacted by conflict, civilians feel forced back to an earlier era without mobile phones or internet, with letters as the only remaining means of reaching loved ones in conflict zones, and some areas cut off from all forms of communication

Names and identifying details in this article have been changed to protect our sources’ security.

For more than a week and a half, Maung Lu, a 28-year-old office employee in Yangon, has been unable to reach his girlfriend who lives and works in the northern jade mining town of Hpakant, Kachin State. 

“The last time I spoke with her on the phone was July 21, around 9am,” he said. 

“When I tried to call her again at lunchtime, I couldn’t get through anymore. It’s been eleven days now,” he told Myanmar Now on the last day of July. 

Maung Lu is one of the thousands of people in Myanmar who have lost contact with loved ones and friends due to frequent telecommunications outages affecting wide swaths of the country since the 2021 coup, especially near battlefields far from major. . .

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