
Myanmar regime digs in as tensions grow around northern Shan State’s largest city

The military’s moves to bolster its defences around Lashio have many residents fearing the collapse of a ceasefire that has largely held since January

Junta forces closed all roads into and out of northern Shan State’s largest city over the weekend amid fears that the military is “preparing for war,” according to local residents.

Moves to close off Lashio, which is also where the headquarters of the Northeastern Regional Military Command is located, began Saturday morning and left many travellers and transport vehicles stranded, a trader told Myanmar Now.

“They’ve blocked every entrance and exit to and from Lashio. We used to be able to bribe our way through these road blocks, but this time it’s out of the question,” he said, noting that at least 10 trucks had been stopped outside of the city. 

The roads that have been closed are those linking Lashio to the towns of Namtu, Hseni (Hsenwi), and Hsipaw, and to the village of Meng Yaw, the trader said.

Tensions have been high in the. . .

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