
Massive power outages afflict Yangon and Mandalay

While electricity is normally available without interruption in Naypyitaw, many residents say they can only use electricity for a few hours per day in Myanmar’s two largest cities

Residents of Yangon and Mandalay say long, frequent blackouts have restricted their electricity access to even less than the normally scheduled hours since November. 

Responding to an energy shortage, authorities and utility companies had previously implemented a policy in Myanmar’s two largest cities to cut off power for four to eight hours at a time on a rolling schedule. The cities’ residents now say that on some days they can only use electricity for only a few hours. 

“The power is supposed to come back at 9 am and it’s supposed to be on until 1pm. However, the power really only comes back on around 12:30pm, goes back out at 1pm and doesn’t come back on until 9pm. Even then, it goes out again at 9:30 pm,” said a student in her 20s living in Tamwe, Yangon.

Residents said outages make it extremely. . .

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