
Civilians killed as Myanmar air force uses 500-pound bombs in Hpasawng, Karenni State

The military has increasingly deployed indiscriminate air and artillery attacks in the state, according to resistance sources, as well as using civilians as human shields

Correction: An earlier version of this story included ambiguous statements about casualty figures. The story has been changed for clarity and accuracy. 

At least four people were killed and more than 20 injured in junta airstrikes on Hpasawng Township, Karenni State on Sunday, according to locals and resistance sources. 

Following clashes between junta troops and resistance fighters, the regime’s air force dropped a 500-pound bomb at a monastery in the town where 30 civilians were sheltering, according to a source connected with the Karenni Army (KA).

“Four or five people were killed and nearly two dozen were injured in the bombing,” he said. 

Due to communications breakdowns in the state resulting from recent fighting, the exact casualty figures could not be verified. 

“As far as I know, one resident died on the spot and over 20 people sustained. . .

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