
KIA takes full control of road from Momauk to Chinese border

At least five civilians were reportedly killed by a junta airstrike carried out on Monday to prevent the last army outpost in the area from falling to anti-regime forces

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) said on Monday that it had captured the last junta outpost along a 50-mile stretch of road from the Kachin State town of Momauk to the Chinese border.

The group and its allies began launching attacks in the area west of the border town of Lwegel on March 27, quickly overrunning six army camps, including the Yaw Yung Bum tactical hill camp.

By Sunday, it had captured several other, smaller outposts and had begun attacking the Seinlone tactical hill camp—the last one still under regime control, according to KIA spokesperson Col. Naw Bu.

“We started attacking yesterday and engaged in combat through the night. The junta carried out a number of airstrikes, but by 7:30 this morning, the Seinlone base was in KIA hands,” he said, speaking to Myanmar Now on Monday.

According to a local man, regime troops based in Momauk. . .

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