
Junta helicopter makes emergency landing after being fired on in western Myanmar

The Mi-17 helicopter came under fire as it was leaving Ann Township in Rakhine State, where the regime is fighting to hold onto its regional military command centre

A military helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing in Magway Region on Sunday after it was fired on as it was leaving Ann Township in Rakhine State, according to local sources.

The Mi-17 helicopter was one of two that had reportedly been used to transport weapons and ammunition to Ann, where the Arakan Army (AA) is fighting for control of the junta’s Western Regional Military Command (RMC) headquarters.

Local residents told Myanmar Now that the helicopter landed in a field near Kan Pauk, a village in Magway’s Sidotkaya Township, at around 2pm on Sunday.

“I heard [the military] had to send backhoes and bulldozers, as well as security vehicles, because it was stuck in the mud,” said one man living in. . .

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