
Chin armed group detains two Yaw Defence Force members

The long-established Chin National Army, which is involved in disputes with other Chin anti-junta groups, claimed its only intention was to hold the Magway Region-based resistance fighters temporarily for questioning

The Chin National Army (CNA) took two members of the Yaw Defence Force (YDF) from Magway Region into custody on Sunday amid rising tensions between anti-junta armed groups in Chin State. 

Members of the CNA—the armed wing of the political organisation Chin National Front (CNF)—detained YDF logistics officer Oak Thein and a YDF lance corporal in Yaung Net village in Magway Region’s Gangaw Township, according to a YDF spokesperson.

He added that the CNA took the detainees over 80 miles away to the CNF’s headquarters at Camp Victoria in Chin State, located on the India-Myanmar border around 25 miles north of the town of Thantlang. 

“They came into the Yaw area to make the arrests. We don't know exactly how they detained our comrades. We only know that they were taken to the headquarters," the YDF spokesperson said on Tuesday morning. . .

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