
Nine civilians killed by Myanmar junta airstrikes after ruby mining resumes in Mogok

The attacks come a week after the TNLA, the ethnic armed group in control of the town, announced that it would allow locals to engage in small-scale mining

Junta airstrikes on the ruby-mining centre of Mogok in northern Mandalay Region left at least nine civilians dead and more than a dozen others injured on Tuesday, according to local sources.

Residents said that two warplanes dropped two 500-pound bombs on the town early in the day, following a surveillance flight carried out by a Y-12 aircraft at around 11pm on Monday.

Casualties were reported in residential areas of both eastern and western Mogok, according to the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), the ethnic armed group controlling the town.

“Five people died and eight suffered injuries in western Mogok, while four died and another five were wounded in the eastern part of town,” said a member of the TNLA’s information team.

The group said it had identified five men and three women among the dead, but could not provide any further information at the time. . .

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