The commander of the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF) gathered hundreds of participants in Myawaddy Township, Karen State on Monday to pray for a notorious fugitive wanted for his alleged involvement in sprawling online fraud and human trafficking operations.
The kingpin honoured at the ceremony, She Zhijiang, is a prominent Chinese-Cambodian businessman and key investor in the Shwe Kokko new city development project, a town-sized hotel and casino complex some 12 miles north of Myawaddy.
Accused of labour trafficking and operating illegal businesses, She Zhijiang is currently in Thai police custody and resisting extradition to China, his home country.
The Karen BGF’s elaborate prayer ceremony was broadcast on August 11 on Facebook, and led by the group’s commander, Col. Saw Chit Thu.
Attendees wore matching uniforms with the phrase “Prayer Ceremony for Mr. She Zhijiang” printed on them in Chinese and Burmese. . .