
For Myanmar fishermen caught in junta’s net, hopes for equal treatment

Following the release of Thais accused of illegally entering Myanmar waters, many wonder why fellow crew members from Myanmar remain behind bars

In the early hours of November 30, a Thai fishing vessel with a crew consisting mostly of Myanmar nationals from Dawei cast its nets into the Andaman Sea, somewhere between the Thai town of Ranong and Kawthaung in Myanmar.

Myo Han, one of the Myanmar fishermen aboard the boat, was intently focussed on his work. Like the others, his attention was fixed on the nets that they were hauling in, unloading, and casting out again. They were all oblivious to the fact that a net was also closing in on them.

But just as they were throwing their nets out over the water yet again, their captain started shouting at them. Even then, Myo Han and the other Myanmar fishermen were too preoccupied with the task at hand to pay any attention.

It was only after they heard gunshots ring out that they realised what was happening: A Myanmar navy. . .

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