China has tightened controls on the movement of consumer goods and medicine across its border with Myanmar, putting pressure on anti-regime groups and people living in areas under their control.
While some border crossings continue to see a trickle of trade, those in the Kokang Self-administered Zone (SAZ), controlled since early this year by the Myanmar Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), are completely closed, according to local merchants.
“We can’t import anything because they’ve shut the border gates. There is still some trade through Muse, Namkham, and Hsenwi, but it’s very limited. It’s a real nightmare for us,” said a merchant in Chin Shwe Haw, a border town in the Kokang SAZ.
Muse, a key trade hub, is one of the few border towns still under regime control since the MNDAA and its allies launched their Operation 1027 offensive late last year. Namkham and Hsenwi. . .